Sponsors and Friends

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The activities of Dundee Choral Union would not be possible without the assistance of our donors. We are tremendously grateful to the following individuals and organisations for their generous support:

Leisure Active Dundee, The Aberbrothock Skea Trust, The Alexander Moncur Trust, The Cookie Matheson Trust, The Lang Foundation, The Leng Charitable Trust, The Northwood Charitable Trust, The PF Charitable Trust, The RJ Larg Family Trust, The St Katharine's Fund, The Tay Charitable Trust, The William Syson Foundation, FourM Accountants, Mrs Una Horspool, Dr W M Horspool, Dr J A Coleiro, Dr W Duncan Smith and Dr Norma Smith, Friends of Dundee Choral Union

Enquiries about sponsorship should be directed to Stuart Pearce, Sponsorship Convenor, by using our contact form.

Friends Of Dundee Choral Union

The Friends of Dundee Choral Union consists of members (past and present) and supporters who for a small annual contribution help and encourage the Choral.

Membership costs £20 per year. As a thank you, Friends receive a free concert programme, and a warm welcome to any of our activities.

For details of membership, please contact the Friends of the Choral Secretary using our contact form.

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